

Responsible for the treatment: ADMINISTRADORA VILLAS VOLCAN, SL

Address of the person in charge: C / CASTILLO, Nº5, CP 35570, YAIZA (Las Palmas)

Purpose: Your data will be used to meet your requests and provide our services.

Advertising: We will only send you advertising with your prior authorization, which you can provide us with through the corresponding box established for this purpose.

Legitimation: We will only process your data with your prior consent, which you can provide us with through the corresponding box established for that purpose.

Recipients: In general, only the personnel of our entity that is duly authorized will be able to have knowledge of the information that we request.

Rights: You have the right to know what information we have about you, correct it and delete it, as explained in the additional information available on our website.

Additional information: More information in the “YOUR SECURE DATA” section of our website